Since 1961, the SAG-Producers Pension Plan has provided retirement benefits to entertainment industry professionals.  Based on collective bargaining agreements between SAG-AFTRA and employers, contributions are made to the Plan on behalf of actors for work performed. Pensions are calculated based on earnings over the course of one’s career, and once enough pension earnings are credited, a vested pension becomes available.

About the Trustees

The SAG-Producers Pension Plan is governed by a board of 32 Trustees, made up of 17 Union Trustees and 15 Producer Trustees. 

Board of Trustees

Daryl Anderson Helayne Antler
Amy Aquino J. Keith Gorham
Jim Bracchitta Robert W. Johnson
John Carter Brown Sheldon Kasdan
Tom Choi Allan Linderman
Leigh French Carol A. Lombardini
Barry Gordon Diane P. Mirowski
David Jolliffe Paul Muratore
Dawnn J. Lewis Riddhi Patel
Rebecca Lish Marc Sandman
Richard Masur Ted Sinclair
John T. McGuire Kim Stevens
Arianna Ozzanto David Weissman
Michael Pniewski Russell Wetanson
Linda Powell Douglas J. Wood
Ray Rodriguez Open Position
Ned Vaughn Open Position