Please be sure to enter your Member ID WITHOUT
the NSA prefix—only the numbers, no letters.
Please be sure to enter your Member ID WITHOUT
the NSA prefix—only the numbers, no letters.
In order to receive coverage, participants are required to pay a premium.
For most participants with Earned Eligibility, including network and station staff and covered Roster Artists, the premium is due quarterly. This premium also applies to those covered under the total disability extension. The premiums below are effective as of January 1, 2023, and are subject to adjustment by the Trustees.
Your premium is due on the first day of each Calendar Quarter for Earned Eligibility coverage. For Senior Performers enrolling eligible family members in the Plan or Senior Performer Surviving Dependent coverage, the premium is due on the first day of each month, unless you are paying by mail, in which case your premium is due on the first day of each Calendar Quarter. For example, the quarterly payment for the first quarter of a calendar year (January through March) is due on January 1. While there is a 15-day grace period for monthly Senior Performer Dependent premium payments and a 30-day grace period for quarterly Earned Eligibility premium payments, this should only be used for unforeseen circumstances. Coverage will not be granted until your premium is processed.
If the Plan does not receive your premium payment by the due date, you will not be entitled to any coverage under the Plan until your next benefit period. You will not be entitled to COBRA if your coverage is terminated due to failure to pay your premium.
For example: If you make quarterly payments and your benefit period is January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022, and you fail to pay your first quarterly premium by January 15, 2022, you will not be entitled to any Plan coverage until January 1, 2023, provided you re-qualify for coverage by either meeting the minimum earnings requirement or meeting the Senior Performers requirements.
If your payment was not received by the due date, including the grace period, you may reinstate your coverage by using a late payment waiver. For Earned Eligibility, the Plan allows one late payment waiver per three-year waiver period. The first three-year waiver period begins on January 1, 2023 and is reset every three years thereafter. The three-year reset period applies to all Participants and is not dependent on when you use a waiver. For example, if you use your one waiver in March 2024, you will again have a waiver available as of January 1, 2026. Senior Performer Dependents and Senior Performer Surviving Dependents are eligible for one late payment waiver per Benefit Period. Participants may use a late payment waiver up to the last day of the quarter for which the payment is due.
The Plan will automatically apply a late payment waiver (if available) when your payment is received after the due date. Your coverage will be automatically and retroactively reinstated.
Quarterly Earned Premiums 2025 |
Coverage Elections | Premium Costs for 2024 |
Participant Only | $375 per quarter |
Participant Plus One Dependent | $531 per quarter |
Participant Plus Two or More Dependents | $747 per quarter |
HRA Plan Dependents |
Eligible Dependents of Senior Performers | $250/month |
Regular COBRA Premiums 2025 |
Options | Active Plan |
Individual Only | $1,201/month |
Individual Plus One Dependent | $2,155/month |
Participant Plus Two or More Dependents | $3,030/month |
Qualification for the Extended Career COBRA benefit will increase to $21,230 in earnings for COBRA coverage effective January 1, 2025. This means you'd have to earn this amount during your base earnings period of October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024. This earnings requirement is scheduled to increase by 2% every year.
Extended Career COBRA Premiums 2025 |
Options | Active Plan |
Individual Only | $240/month |
Individual Plus One Dependent | $431/month |
Participant Plus Two or More Dependents | $606/month |
If you lose your current Active Plan coverage, you may be eligible for our new benefit: Extended Career COBRA.
When you qualify for this benefit – and timely elect COBRA – you’ll pay a reduced premium of 20% of the COBRA premium.
Your next notice of qualification from the Plan will tell you if you’re eligible for Extended Career COBRA. Follow the instructions in the notice if you want to enroll.
Note: Retirees receiving a SAG or AFTRA pension, Roster Artists, Station Staff, and employees of SAG-AFTRA, the SAG-AFTRA Foundation, the SAG-Producers Pension Plan and the AFTRA Retirement Fund are not eligible for Extended Career COBRA.
You will pay a reduced premium of 20% of the COBRA rate for up to 12 months.
You will pay a reduced premium of 20% of the COBRA rate for up to 18 months.